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Category Archives: Site News
Some Updates, Some Fixes
Some more updates, and some fixes to the style sheet necessary to keep up with the recent K2 upgrade.
WPTouch Installed
And I also added the WPTouch plugin to WordPress for a better iphone / ipod experience. This is the first test, so please stay tuned.
K2 Upgrade
Just upgrade to K2 1.0.3, everything looks ok, so hopefully you’ll have the same experience. ;-)
Website Update
Just updated the website to WordPress 2.8.4 and K2 1.0-RC8, which required redoing various changes and some new stylesheet stuff, but hopefully everything should work as before.
Old Entries Reposted
With the help of some Perl scripting, all postings from the old mj’s photography are now also directly available here in the blog (English text only), starting at Vienna 2008 – The Book.
The New mj’s Photography
Finally, I’m moving with this website to a brand-new WordPress installation, which will hopefully be a more flexible and up-to-date foundation for the development of mj’s photography. The old stuff is still there, see the previous posting.
Endlich habe ich es geschafft, diese Website auf eine brandneue WordPress-Installation umzustellen, die hoffentlich eine flexiblere und aktuellere Basis für die Entwicklung von mj’s photography darstellt. Der alte Kram ist natürlich weiterhin vorhanden, siehe dazu auch den vorherigen Eintrag.