Quite a bit more colorful nebulosity in this image of NGC 2547, an open cluster in Vela. Took me while to finalize the image processing, the data is back from February 2023, using the IAS remote telescope at Hakos.
All details at Astrobin.
IAS – Internationale Amateursternwarte e.V. – Hakos Observatory, Namibia
IAS remote telescope “Lukas”
IAS 10″ Newton f/4.5, 10Micron GM3000 HPS, QHY268M, Chroma RGB+Ha filters
65x R, 65x G, 58x B 60s gain 0, 13x Ha 180s gain 56, mode 1, offset 30, -10C, 10 flats, 40/20 darks, 100 bias
Total time: 13620s / 3h47
Data acquisition: IAS remote team
Data calibration/integration: PixInsight WBPP
Image processing: PixInsight, BlurXTerminator, StarXTerminator, Lightroom