My personal first test run with the VdS remote telescope, also based at Hakos, Namibia. A well known target deep in the southern skies here, the 47 Tucanae globular cluster, near the Small Magellanic Cloud, also known as NGC 104.
More details at Astrobin.
VdS Remote Observatory, Hakos, Namibia
TS 12″ Newton Astrograph f/4.56, 10Micron GM3000 HPS, Lacerta DeepSkyPro2600 mono, Astronomik RGB filters
25x R, 24x G, 20x B 120s gain 100, offset 100, -10C, no flats, no darks, no bias
Total time: 8280s / 2h18
Data acquisition: VdS FG Remote Sternwarten / M. Junius
Data calibration/integration: PixInsight WBPP
Image processing: PixInsight, BlurXTerminator, NoiseXTerminator, Photoshop, Lightroom

Previously imaged with the IAS remote telescope, see the NGC 104 – Globular Cluster post.