Old data revisited: 3 years ago, back in 2022, I collected a whopping 38 hours of data on Messier 81 and Messier 82, a nice field of view with lots of smaller galaxies for my Esprit 100ED APO at home. But I never managed to get to a satisfying rendition up until now. The new NoiseXTerminator version AI3 was released at just about the right time. Under suburban Bortle 5 skies, this massive amount of exposure time is really necessary to bring out the dust streaks.
More details at Astrobin.
Backyard astrophotography in light-polluted Cologne-Dellbrück
Skywatcher Esprit 100/550 ED, Skywatcher Flattener, Baader CMOS-optimized LRGB Ha 6.5nm / QHY268M
OAG with Lodestar X2
Mount AZ EQ6 GT
Image acquisition: NINA, PHD2
L 231x, R 84x. G 79x, B 81x 200s, Ha 71x 600s, mode 1, gain 56, offset 10, -5C, 20 flats, 50 bias, 20 darks
Total exposure time: 137600s / 38h13
Data calibration/integration: PixInsight WBPP
Image processing: PixInsight, Lightroom