
Portrait (C) 2007 Alexandra Schmitz
Portrait (C) 2007
Alexandra Schmitz

This is the personal, mostly photographic website of

Martin Junius

Engineer by trade.
Photographer by passion.

After having received a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Aachen University of Technology, Chair of Communication Networks, professional life took place in the telecom industry, predominantly as a manager for Deutsche Telekom, now in partial retirement. Living with family in Cologne, Germany since many years, but still an “Immi”.

Photography, taken somewhat seriously, started as a gradual process in the 90s with travel and landscape, which are still a major part of the portfolio. Most current projects focus on cityscapes, the urban landscape.

Finding the residues of human endeavours in both natural and artificial structures, not necessarily getting spectacular or even “nice” images is the main motivation for spending all these hours behind the camera.

In addition, chasing total solar eclipses and a deeper interest in astrophotography take their toll, picture-wise. Especially since joining the IAS Observatory association.

Images have been showns at various exhibitions, as well as being used by advertising agencies and publishers world-wide.

Photographic activities in Cologne are inspired by the first Stadtbild Köln workshop group at the Adult Education Center, and the ex-flickr, then ipernity, now defunct Cologne Meeting Group.

Photography web site: mj’s photography
Book store: Blurb

2006 / 2007, Stadbild Köln, Rathaus Lindenthal, Köln
2007, Musée National d’Histoire Naturelle, Luxemburg
2007, All photographers now, Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne
2009 / 2010, iiiii-iiii, Rathaus Lindenthal, Köln
2010, Köln su-o-bjektiv, Cafe Lichtenberg, Köln
2010 / 2011, stadtfugen, Berufskolleg Bergisch Gladbach
2013, Acht serielle fotografische Arbeiten nach einem alten Meister, KOMED im Mediapark, Köln
2020, Dellbrückentag 12.06.2020 digital, as video “Corona’s Cut”
2022, Ansichten einer Pandemie, Bonn

stadtbild köln, Blurb, 2008
Cologne In-between: Butzweilerhof, Blurb, 2008
Gröde (diverse), Blurb, 2008-2018
Vienna/Wien, Blurb, 2008
Total Solar Eclipse China, Blurb, 2008
IIIII IIII, Blurb, 2009
stadtfugen, Blurb, 2009
Schottland, Blurb, 2010
Köln su-o-bjektiv, Blurb, 2010
Barmer Viertel, Blurb, 2013
Teneriffa, Blurb, 2014
Namibia (diverse), Blurb, 2014-2020
8fach.3, Blurb, 2016
USA Northwest, Blurb, 2019
Squares, Blurb, 2018
Squares 2, Blurb, 2021
Squares 3, Blurb, 2024
Strom, Blurb, 2024
Dellbrück, Blurb, 2024

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