The last one for this season, weather wasn’t that stellar for astrophotography in the last months, so too little exposure time and too much noise. To be continued in 2022 …
All details at Astrobin.
Continue readingThe last one for this season, weather wasn’t that stellar for astrophotography in the last months, so too little exposure time and too much noise. To be continued in 2022 …
All details at Astrobin.
Continue readingTook two months to gather enough photons for this one, clear skies were quite rare.
All details at Astrobin.
Continue readingTja, was macht man, wenn das Wetter nun schon wieder zwei Neumondperioden ohne Clear Skies hat verstreichen lassen und der Ausflug in die Weiten und den dunklen Himmel von Namibia Corona-bedingt ausgefallen ist?
Genau, in Erinnerungen schwelgen. ;-) Daher habe ich eine Auswahl von Deep Sky Aufnahmen aus den Jahren 2017-2020 als Video zusammengebaut. Da seinerzeit superproduktiv, dominieren die Hakos-Aufnahmen von 2019. Enjoy!
Auch hier bei Youtube.
Black and white version (Ha) of the previously posted image. This is the bright central region of NGC 7822, also cataloged as Cederblad 214.
Black and white (Ha) version of the previously posted image, the northern “loop” part of the NGC 7822 complex (Skysafari catalogs this one alone as NGC 7822).
Black and white version of the image posted previously.
Yet another bicolor processing of old data from 2018. Cederblad 214 is the brightest part of the NGC 7822 complex, strangely enough PixInsights’ annotation script regards this one alone as NGC 7822, which IMO also includes the loop from the previous post. See Astrobin for more details.
Continue readingEven older data from 2018 in new bicolor processing. Part of the NGC 7822 complex in Cepheus. More details at Astrobin.
Continue readingAnother bicolor processing of old data from last year, part of the Heart Nebula IC 1805 and IC 1795 / NGC 896 (upper right). More details at Astrobin.
Continue readingBlack and white (poor man’s Ha) version of the Elephant Trunk Nebula, bicolor version in the previous posting.