Even older data from 2018 in new bicolor processing. Part of the NGC 7822 complex in Cepheus. More details at Astrobin.

Backyard astrophotography in light-polluted Cologne-Dellbrück (SQM 19.6)
Skywatcher Esprit 100/550 ED, Skywatcher Flattener, IDAS LPS V4, ASI 294MC Pro
OAG with Lodestar X2
Mount AZ EQ6 GT
Image acquisition: CdC, APT, PHD2, dithering
41 x 900s, gain 120, offset 30, -10C, 30 flats, 60 darkflats, 17 darks
Data calibration/integration: PixInsight
Image processing: PixInsight, StarNet++, Photoshop, Lightroom
Bicolor processing: Ha=R, O3=G/B