![10-inch remote, NA, astrofotografie, astronomie, astronomy, astrophotography, bildhauer, galaxy, hakos, hakos guest farm, ias, ias observatory, ias observatory hakos, khomas, namibia, ngc, ngc55, sculptor, spiral galaxy, world](https://photo.m-j-s.net/blog/uploads/2022/12/ngc300_lhargb_v1-ngc_30_-_spiral_galaxy_in_sculptor_-_ias_remote__hakos__namibia_-_dec_2022_-_lhargb_v1.jpg)
A new image from the IAS remote telescope, the NGC 300 galaxy in Sculptor.
All details and full size at Astrobin.
IAS – Internationale Amateursternwarte e.V. – Hakos Observatory, Namibia
IAS remote telescope “Lukas”
IAS 10″ Newton f/4.5, 10Micron GM3000 HPS, QHY268M, Chroma LRGB, Ha (8nm) filters
51 x L, 27x R, 26x G, 26x B, 120s each, 42x Ha 180s, mode 1, gain 56, offset 30, -10C, 10/20 flats, 13/20 darks, 100 bias
Total time: 23160s / 6h26
Data calibration/integration: PixInsight WBPP
Image processing: PixInsight, Photoshop, Lightroom
![10-inch remote, NA, astrofotografie, astronomie, astronomy, astrophotography, bildhauer, galaxy, hakos, hakos guest farm, ias, ias observatory, ias observatory hakos, khomas, namibia, ngc, ngc55, sculptor, spiral galaxy, world](https://photo.m-j-s.net/blog/uploads/2022/12/ngc300_lhargb_v1_annotated-ngc_30_-_spiral_galaxy_in_sculptor_-_ias_remote__hakos__namibia_-_dec_2022_-_lhargb_v1_annotated.jpg)
Of course, not the first imaging this one, here are the previous attempts back in 2016:
![astrofotografie, astronomie, astronomy, astrophotography, bildhauer, galaxy, ngc, ngc300, sculptor, spiral galaxy, star, stars, stern, sterne](https://photo.m-j-s.net/blog/uploads/2017/12/ngc300-hakos-pk50-700d-39x480-dss-v1-edit-ngc_300_-_spiral_galaxy_in_sculptor_dss_v1-1024x683.jpg)
![astrofotografie, astronomie, astronomy, astrophotography, bildhauer, galaxy, ngc, ngc300, sculptor, spiral galaxy, star, stars, stern, sterne](https://photo.m-j-s.net/blog/uploads/2017/12/ngc300-hakos-pk50-5d2a-31x240-dss-edit-ngc_300_-_spiral_galaxy_in_sculptor_dss_5d2a-1024x682.jpg)