A 2 panel mosaic of SHO data in Sagittarius, the reflection nebulae NGC 6589/90 and Surroundings, in particular the emission nebulae IC 1283 und IC 1284. NGC 6590 also seems to be cataloged as NGC 6595.
More details at Astrobin.
IAS – Internationale Amateursternwarte e.V. – Hakos Observatory, Namibia
IAS remote telescope
Lacerta 12″ Newton f/4, ASA DDM85XL-A, QHY268M, Baader RGB SII Ha OIII 6.5 nm filters
2 panel mosaic, 65x R, 65x G, 65x B 60s, 143x Ha, 106x OIII, 112x SII 180s, mode 1, gain 56, offset 10, -5C, 20 flats, 30 darks, 50 bias
Total time: 76680s / 21h18
Data acquisition: IAS remote team / Martin Junius
Data calibration/integration: PixInsight WBPP
Image processing: PixInsight, BlurXTerminator, NoiseXTerminator, StarXTerminator, Lightroom