Another IAS Remote image from Hakos, Namibia. NGC 4038/4039, the Antennae Galaxies in Corvus.
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Continue readingAnother IAS Remote image from Hakos, Namibia. NGC 4038/4039, the Antennae Galaxies in Corvus.
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Continue readingA lesser known object, the reflection nebula vdB 96 in Canis Major. The vdB catalog was originally published in 1966 by Sidney van den Bergh and contains 159 reflection nebulae.
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Continue readingNGC 3324 / IC 2599, an open cluster and emission nebula in the Outskirts of the Carina Nebula, imaged as narrowband data using the SHO Hubble palette with added RGB stars at the IAS Remote Observatory Hakos, Namibia.
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Continue readingAn object actually from the southern hemisphere, even if well within reach from Europe, the Seagull Nebula in Monoceros.
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Continue readingThe classic southern sky object, the Tarantula Nebula and surrounding nebulosity.
Details at Astrobin. Click here to page thru the variations.
Continue readingSome “moon shots” with the IAS remote telescope at Hakos, Namibia.
Continue readingA new image from the IAS remote telescope, the NGC 300 galaxy in Sculptor.
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Continue readingSort of first light for the new IAS remote telescope at Hakos, Namibia.
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Continue readingFinal installment of the OSC data from April/May, taken at the IAS Observatory Hakos, Namibia. Somewhat well-known objects in the southern sky, NGC 6188 and 6193, imaged as a two panel mosaic.
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Continue readingAnd yet another image from April/May at the IAS Observatory Hakos, Namibia. NGC 3621 is a field galaxy, i.e. lonely galaxy ;-), in the constellation of Hydra.
All details at Astrobin.
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