Category Archives: Photography

Hallig Gröde – Sunset over Kirchwarft

Hallig Gröde - Sunset over Kirchwarft

Hallig Gröde - Sunset over Kirchwarft

Sun’s going down, people coming in, photographers getting out. ;-)

Back to the Gröde images with one from this summer. If you interested in the Halligen, there is currently a very interesting documentation running on Arte TV, which will be repeated next week: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

Tenerife – No Way Up

Tenerife - No Way Up

Tenerife - No Way Up

Finally in the Cañadas, the Teide seen from Los Roques.

Somehow, we weren’t lucky with this year’s two visits to Tenerife. In spring, during a very cold period the Teleferico was closed due to nasty ice and snow conditions up near the top. Now in autumn, it was closed for repair just during the few days we were there. Well, happens. We could’ve walked the way up of course … ;-)

Zoo Cologne – Halloween

Zoo Cologne - Halloween

Zoo Cologne - Halloween

It’s that time of the year again. The sucessful import of Halloween made it into the Cologne zoo, nicely decorated.

And of course, this is the much needed canonical Halloween shot as a proxy for more images to be found on the fotocommunity site, like this linked image and the following ones (click the left arrow). Actually I was quite suprised, that the session yesterday with high iso and slow shutter speed yielded quite a number of halfway decent images.