Category Archives: Photography

Hallig Gröde – House on Knudtswarft

Hallig Gröde - House on Knudtswarft

Hallig Gröde - House on Knudtswarft

Protected by a ring dyke, the houses on the Knudtswarft provide home for 17 people, the four families, which permanently inhabit the holm.

Two more, the teacher and her husband live on the Kirchwarf, next mound so to speak. All houses have thatched roofs, yielding a very typical North Friesia look, which fits very well into the landscape. By the way, the two windows shown here are part of our holiday appartment facing west with a spectacular view over Gröde, the sea, and the neighboring holms and islands.

Hallig Gröde – Morning Light

Hallig Gröde - Morning Light

Hallig Gröde - Morning Light

Shortly after sunrise, the early morning light is simply gorgeous.

And enough of a motivation to get early out of bed. ;-) Luckily at the end of August, sunrise is moving to more friendly times. This image is a something of an experiment. The contrast range between the foreground and the sky was huge, so I used the digital blending technique to make a composite of two different exposures on slide film. Including correction while scanning the difference is approx. 3 EV.

Hallig Gröde – Catwalk

Hallig Gröde - Catwalk

Hallig Gröde - Catwalk

Crossing over one of the broader ditches along the way from the western jetty to the houses.

A foot path leads directly from the Knudtswarft and the Kirchwarft to the jetty and watergate on the west side of Gröde, frequently used by the locals. The deeper and broader ditches along the way are bridged by catwalks such as the one shown here.

Hallig Gröde – Clouds above the Kirchwarft (new)

Hallig Gröde - Clouds above the Kirchwarft (new)

Hallig Gröde - Clouds above the Kirchwarft (new)

Now this is a canonical picture of Hallig Gröde. ;-)

This day, with its marvelous, quickly changing cloud formations, sun and rain delivered just the right setting. [Update] As some people in the discussion at suggested, this is a new image of the same scene, more closely cropped. Also on you can find a alternate crop of this image with a 16:9 aspect ratio.