Tag Archives: astrophotography

IC 1848 – Ha BW

astrofotografie, astronomie, astronomy, astrophotography, cassiopeia, emission nebula, emissionsnebel, ic, ic1848, kassiopeia, seelennebel, soul nebula
IC 1848 – Soul Nebula 2019/2020 – Ha BW

BW only processing of IC 1848 (red channel = ~10 nm Ha).

Backyard astrophotography in light-polluted Cologne-Dellbrück (19.6 mag/”2)
Skywatcher Esprit 100/550 ED, Skywatcher Flattener, Optolong L-enhance, ASI 294MC Pro
OAG with Lodestar X2
Mount AZ EQ6 GT
Image acquisition: CdC, APT, PHD2, dithering
46 x 900s, gain 120, -10C, 30 flats, 30 darkflats, 16 darks
Data calibration/integration: PixInsight
Image processing: PixInsight, Starnet++, Photoshop, Lightroom

More details at Astrobin.

Saturn May 2019

NA, astrofotografie, astronomie, astronomy, astrophotography, hakos, hakos guest farm, ias, ias observatory, ias observatory hakos, khomas, namibia, planeten, planets, solar system, sonnensystem, world
Saturn 2019-05-05 02:02

Only a quick try in May, should’ve taken many more frames for a proper image. Too focussed on Jupiter at that time. ;-)

Internationale Amateursternwarte e.V.
IAS Observatory Hakos, Namibia
Celestron C14 14″ 3910mm f/11 on Kraska horseshoe mount
ASI178MC with Televue Powermate 2,5x
Gain 359, 60ms, 20% out of 1000 frames
Image acquisition in cooperation with Michael Mushardt: Sharpcap
Image processing: AutoStakkert! 3, PixInsight, PIPP, Lightroom

More Jupiter

14-inch celestron c14, NA, astrofotografie, astronomie, astronomy, astrophotography, ganymede, hakos, hakos guest farm, ias, ias observatory, ias observatory hakos, jupiter, khomas, namibia, planeten, planets, solar system, sonnensystem, world
Jupiter 2019-05-04 02:40 w/Ganymede

One of the better single Jupiter images, taken back in May at Hakos, Namibia. Conditions for planetary imaging were relatively poor, tried over the course of 5 nights. All new single Jupiter images can be found in the Planets album.

Internationale Amateursternwarte e.V.
IAS Observatory Hakos, Namibia
Celestron C14 14″ 3910mm f/11 on Kraska horseshoe mount
ASI178MC with Televue Powermate 2,5x
Gain 240, 60ms, 10% out of 1000 frames
Image acquisition in cooperation with Michael Mushardt: Sharpcap
Image processing: AutoStakkert! 3, PixInsight, PIPP, Lightroom