Tag Archives: Messier82

M81 Bode’s Galaxy and M82 Cigar Galaxy Revisited

astrofotografie, astronomie, astronomy, astrophotography, backyard, bodes galaxy, cigar galaxy, cologne, galaxy, köln, ngc, ngc3077, spiral galaxy, ursa major
M81 Bode’s Galaxy and M82 Cigar Galaxy in Ursa Major – LHaRGB v2

Old data revisited: 3 years ago, back in 2022, I collected a whopping 38 hours of data on Messier 81 and Messier 82, a nice field of view with lots of smaller galaxies for my Esprit 100ED APO at home. But I never managed to get to a satisfying rendition up until now. The new NoiseXTerminator version AI3 was released at just about the right time. Under suburban Bortle 5 skies, this massive amount of exposure time is really necessary to bring out the dust streaks.

More details at Astrobin.

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