After a long hiatus from the group I processed the recent C088 data posted to DSLR AIP. Sh2-113 and Sh2-114, very faint H-alpha emission nebulae in Cygnus with some surrounding OIII streaks.
Continue readingAfter a long hiatus from the group I processed the recent C088 data posted to DSLR AIP. Sh2-113 and Sh2-114, very faint H-alpha emission nebulae in Cygnus with some surrounding OIII streaks.
Continue readingAus dem Archiv: ein paar Eindrücke zwischendrin von einer Geschäftsreise nach Berlin, auch schon wieder 15 Jahre her.
From the archive: some in-between impressions from a business trip to Berlin in 2009.
Alle Bilder / all images: Deutschland > Berlin 2009