Author Archives: mj

Outskirts of Carina

10-inch remote, NA, astrofotografie, astronomie, astronomy, astrophotography, carina, carina nebula, emission nebula, emissionsnebel, hakos, hakos guest farm, ias, ias observatory, ias observatory hakos, ic, ic2599, khomas, kiel des schiffes, namibia, ngc, ngc3324, open cluster, star, star cluster, stars, stern, sterne, sternhaufen, world
NGC 3324, IC 2599 Open Cluster and Emission Nebula in the Outskirts of the Carina Nebula – IAS Remote, Hakos, Namibia – Feb 2023 – SHO w/RGB Stars v1

NGC 3324 / IC 2599, an open cluster and emission nebula in the Outskirts of the Carina Nebula, imaged as narrowband data using the SHO Hubble palette with added RGB stars at the IAS Remote Observatory Hakos, Namibia.

All details at Astrobin.

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