Hallig Gröde - Another Year
Back again on “our” islet in the North Frisian Wadden Sea. As always, the variations of landscape, clouds, and light are impressing.
Evening light scene with the sun starting to sink, seen from inside the Knudswarft. From now on, some new images from this year’s trip to Gröde will appear here, sort of interrupting the 2004 series, which wasn’t yet completed. One of major advantages of digital photography is the fast turn-around time and immediate availability of the data for further processing. And I want to take advantage of this for the photolog here, of course. And a major problem of digital photography is evident here as well, blown-out highlight. Despite massive exposure compensation, the strong back light of the sun bumps the sensor to its upper limit. Film has a much softer shoulder in the contrast curve. Anyway, leaving this technical problem aside, I still think this is a characteristic image full of atmosphere.