Tag Archives: hakos

Jupiter Animation

Jupiter Animation 2018-07-17 20:00-20:29

Jupiter Animation 2018-07-17 20:00-20:29

Jupiter-Animation. Eigentlich gar nicht geplant, daher nur 5 Frames, aber schon sehr erstaunlich, wie rasant der Riesenplanet in nur 1/2h (!) rotiert.

Jupiter animation. Not really planned, thus only 5 frames. But really fascinating how fast this gas giant rotates in only half an hour!

IAS Observatory Hakos, Namibia
PK 20″ Cassegrain 4500mm, f/9 on Liebscher mount
ASI178MC with Televue Powermate 2,5x
Gain 220, 58ms, 20% out of 1000 frames each
Image acquisition in cooperation with Michael Mushardt
Image processing AutoStakkert! 3, PixInsight, Lightroom

Partial Solar Eclipse 01 Sep 2016 Namibia

Partial Solar Eclipse 01 Sep 2016 Namibia from Martin Junius on Vimeo.

Time-lapse video of the partial solar eclipse on Hakos, Namibia (annular in Central Africa, Madagascar, La Réunion).

Zeitraffer der partiellen Sonnenfinsternis auf Hakos, Namibia (ringförmig in Zentralafrika, Madagaskar, La Réunion).

Namibia Widefield 2016

All widefield images taken in Namibia this summer, the two milky way shots even made it as Image Of The Day on Astrobin!

All Übersichtsaufnahmen vom Sommer diesen Jahres in Namibia, die beiden Milchstraßenbilder haben es dabei sogar zum Bild des Tages auf Astrobin geschafft!

IAS Observatory, Hakos, Namibia
Canon 5D Mark II(a)
Canon EF 50/1.8 STM
Fornax-50 mount

Scorpius with Visiting Wanderers

Scorpius with Mars and Saturn (LR, PS)

Scorpius with Mars and Saturn (LR, PS)

Almost a different constellation in the most colorful region of the milky way, when Scorpius received some visitor on 02 September 2016, Mars and Saturn. Photograph taken in Namibia.

IAS Observatory, Hakos, Namibia, 21.8 mag/”2
5D Mark II(a), 50/1.8 STM @ f/5.6
Fornax-50 mount, unguided
13x300s ISO 800, no flats/darks/bias
Image processing Lightroom, Photoshop, 90% crop

Driving Namibia

Driving Namibia from Martin Junius on Vimeo.

A Namibia July 2015 road trip time-lapse video.
Time-lapse photography by Martin Junius: GoPro HERO4 Silver, Lightroom, Avisynth, ffmpeg
Music “Night in Namibia” by Martin Junius: NI Komplete and analog sounds from a Moog Mother-32
Special thanks to: Johann Walter Straube (R.I.P.), Waltraud Eppelmann, Friedhelm Hund, Wolf-Peter Hartmann
… and of course: Jennifer Büter, Susanne Büter

Also uploaded to Youtube.

Blurb PDF Upload

Namibia 2015 - IAS Edition

Namibia 2015 – IAS Edition

FINALLY! ;-) It seems that I’ve solved my problems with Scribus PDF/X-3 photobooks failing the preflight check when uploading them to Blurb. The photobook above used to be rejected during excessive tests a couple weeks ago.

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