Final installment of the OSC data from April/May, taken at the IAS Observatory Hakos, Namibia. Somewhat well-known objects in the southern sky, NGC 6188 and 6193, imaged as a two panel mosaic.
All details at Astrobin.
Continue readingFinal installment of the OSC data from April/May, taken at the IAS Observatory Hakos, Namibia. Somewhat well-known objects in the southern sky, NGC 6188 and 6193, imaged as a two panel mosaic.
All details at Astrobin.
Continue readingThe partial solar eclipse of 25 Oct 2022 over Cologne-Dellbrück, Germany. Partly cloudy skies provided a natural ND filter for these images. Alas, a complete cloud cover obscured maximum eclipse at 12:07 CEST with a magnitude of 0.33.
Continue readingAnd yet another image from April/May at the IAS Observatory Hakos, Namibia. NGC 3621 is a field galaxy, i.e. lonely galaxy ;-), in the constellation of Hydra.
All details at Astrobin.
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