Obwohl ich dieses Video schon vor zwei Jahren auf Vimeo gepostet hatte, ist es noch nicht in meinen YouTube-Kanal und hier ins Blog vorgedrungen. Im Rückblick sehr surreal, die Weihnachtszeit im ersten Pandemiejahr.
Euch allen Frohe Weihnachten und einen Guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr!
Already posted to Vimeo two years ago, this video never made it into my YouTube channel and the blog here. Very surrealistic, Christmas time back then in 2020.
Back on the Gamsberg, Namibia after a long CoViD hiatus. After the heavy rain season in spring 2022, the access pad (gravel road going up the mountain) was severely damaged and not passable for even a 4WD. During summer Nic of adjacent Farm Weener and his workers did a superb job in repairing the pad. So in August we went up …
The video shows uphill and downhill on the challenging access pad.
Special thanks to: Nic for getting us safely up and down, Sunja, Michael, Irene, Thomas, Sigi, Günter, and Toni Internationale Amateursternwarte e.V. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Final installment of the OSC data from April/May, taken at the IAS Observatory Hakos, Namibia. Somewhat well-known objects in the southern sky, NGC 6188 and 6193, imaged as a two panel mosaic.
The partial solar eclipse of 25 Oct 2022 over Cologne-Dellbrück, Germany. Partly cloudy skies provided a natural ND filter for these images. Alas, a complete cloud cover obscured maximum eclipse at 12:07 CEST with a magnitude of 0.33.
And yet another image from April/May at the IAS Observatory Hakos, Namibia. NGC 3621 is a field galaxy, i.e. lonely galaxy ;-), in the constellation of Hydra.