Category Archives: Cologne

Deep Sky 2017-2020

Tja, was macht man, wenn das Wetter nun schon wieder zwei Neumondperioden ohne Clear Skies hat verstreichen lassen und der Ausflug in die Weiten und den dunklen Himmel von Namibia Corona-bedingt ausgefallen ist?

Genau, in Erinnerungen schwelgen. ;-) Daher habe ich eine Auswahl von Deep Sky Aufnahmen aus den Jahren 2017-2020 als Video zusammengebaut. Da seinerzeit superproduktiv, dominieren die Hakos-Aufnahmen von 2019. Enjoy!

Auch hier bei Youtube.

Eclipsed Supermoon versus Micromoon

2018, 2019, astrofotografie, astronomie, astronomy, astrophotography, cologne, eclipse, ereignisse, events, finsternis, köln, lunar, lunar eclipse, lunar-eclipse-21-jan-2019, lunar-eclipse-27-jul-2018, micromoon, mond, mondfinsternis, moon, solar system, sonnensystem, supermoon

Moon size at U3, TLE 27 Jul 2018 vs. 21 Jan 2019

As a follow-up to last month’s total lunar eclipse, this image shows the comparison of the apparent moon size at U3 (end of totality) with the previous eclipse of July 2018, both observed in Cologne, Germany.

Left: Total Lunar Eclipses of 27 Jul 2018 at U3 23:13:12 CEST, distance* Cologne-Moon 406 196 km, full moon at apogee, sometimes called “Micromoon”.

Right: Total Lunar Eclipse of 21 Jan 2019 at U3 06:43:24 CET, distance* Cologne-Moon 358 064 km, full moon at perigee, nowadays called “Supermoon”, giving rise to the blatant “Super Wolf Blood Moon” nuisance.

* Distance at meridian passing according to

Lunar Eclipse 21 Jan 2019

astrofotografie, astronomie, astronomy, astrophotography, beleuchtung, cathedral, city lights, cologne, dom, domspitzen, eclipse, finsternis, illumination, köln, lichter, lichter der stadt, lights, lunar, lunar eclipse, mond, mondfinsternis, moon, solar system, sonnensystem

Lunar Eclipse 21 Jan 2019 – Trail over Cologne Cathedral

[Update] WOW, what a pleasant surprise. This image made it as Astronomy Picture of the Day on 22 Jan 2019!

This lunar eclipse trail shows the partially and totally eclipsed Moon over the Unesco World Heritage Cologne Cathedral, Germany, amongst ultra-bright city lights. Normally this isn’t an astronomy hot spot, and it’s hard to make out any stars beyond Mag 2 at this location. But given the geometry of the setting moon and the lunar eclipse I simply had to do this. ;-)

Composite of 68 images for the moon trail from 04h41 until 07h29 CET edited in Lightroom/Photoshop, thereof 3 for the foreground and the dawn sky at 07h29 CET, removing a bicyclist and a pedestrian. Some horizontal stray light from the street lights.

We spent a total of 4 hours at around -7 °C at the Hohenzollern Bridge, but that’s the fate of the astronomically minded.

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