Two days in London with some spare time to walk the city.
Zwei Tage in London mit etwas Freizeit für einen fotografischen Spaziergang.
Transit of Mercury 09 May 2016 from Martin Junius on Vimeo.
Somewhat cloudy, especially towards the end, but most of the transit of Mercury was clearly visible from Brück, Cologne, Germany.
Einige Wolken, besonders zum Ende hin, aber der Großteil der Merkurtransits konnte in Brück, Köln beobachtet werden.
The time-lapse video is available on / das Zeitraffervideo gibt’s auf: Facebook, Vimeo, Youtube.
Location: near Friedhof Brück, Cologne, Germany
50°55’45” N 7°4’43” E
FINALLY! ;-) It seems that I’ve solved my problems with Scribus PDF/X-3 photobooks failing the preflight check when uploading them to Blurb. The photobook above used to be rejected during excessive tests a couple weeks ago.