Author Archives: mj

The FIFA Total Solar Eclipse ;-)

2008, CN, astrofotografie, astronomie, astronomy, astrophotography, badanjilin sand desert, badanjilin sandwüste, china, china2008, corona, desert, diamantring, diamond ring, eclipse, eclipse city camp, ereignisse, events, finsternis, gansu, jinta, jinta xian, korona, prominence, protuberanz, reise, solar eclipse, solar-eclipse-2008-08-01, solar-eclipse-2008-aug-01, sonnenfinsternis, travel, world, wüste, zhongguo, 中国, 中國, 甘肃, 金塔县
Total Solar Eclipse – Diamond Ring #3

Just in time for the world cup 2010 final, the moon’s shadow moved across the southern hemisphere on 11 Jul 2010. But not for the soccer fans in South Africa, only for those eclipse chasers willing to travel to Easter Island, Cook Islands or Patagonia.

Good weather conditions for the observation sites, some images can found e.g. here on

Some comfort for me staying at home: at least the great shot from 2008’s eclipse in China now has a whopping 32.000+ views on flickr! ;-)

Lightroom 3-0, Deutschland 4-0

DE, DE-NW, NRW, art, artist, artists, bergisch gladbach, bergisches land, das werk ii, deutschland, germany, kunst, künstler, michael kramer, nordrhein-westfalen, northrhine-westfalia, plastik, sculpture, skulptur, world
Valve Town

Lightroom 3 was released this week and I started using it today. In particular I’m very fond of the new lens and perspective corrections. No more round trips to PTLens necessary.

The image is from a recent excursion to Michael Kramer’s large sculpture “Das Werk II”, a miniature industrial plant created from scrap pieces, installed in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany.

Gröde 2010

DE, DE-SH, NF, SH, animal, animals, bird, birds, brent geese, brent goose, deutschland, frühling, gans, geese, germany, goose, groede2010, gröde, gänse, hallig, hallig gröde, halligen, himmel, holm, jahreszeit, jahreszeiten, kirchwarft, marshes, nordfriesland, north frisia, reise, ringelgans, ringelgänse, salt marshes, salzwiesen, schleswig-holstein, season, seasons, sky, spring, tier, tiere, travel, vogel, vögel, world
Brent Geese over Kirchwarft #1

Und da war doch noch was … ja, in den Osterferien war wieder ein Besuch auf Hallig Gröde angesagt und natürlich sind auch wieder ein paar – naja, trotz Kurzbesuch eigentlich ziemlich viele – Bilder einstanden, die sich im Album Hallig Gröde 2010 finden.

Images from Hallig Gröde in the gallery album Gröde 2010.