Some black and white H-alpha while the moon is more and more occupying the night.
Details at Astrobin.
Continue readingSome black and white H-alpha while the moon is more and more occupying the night.
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Continue readingIf you were looking for the Mystic Mountain in the previous post of the Carina Nebula, here’s an enlargement of this feature in the starless image.
Another cosmic composition of reflection and dark nebulae, vdB 123 and surroundings in Serpens.
More details at Astrobin.
Continue readingOne of most beautiful region in the southern skies, the Corona Australis Molecular Cloud with the NGC 6726 and IC 4812 reflection nebulae and nearby Chandelier Cluster NGC 6723. The later belongs to Sagittarius, though.
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Continue readingMost of the CGs – Cometary Globules – are in the outskirts of the Gum Nebula, CG12 here is located in Centaurus together with the reflection nebula NGC 5367.
More details at Astrobin.
Continue readingEnough SHO images, here’s something in plain LRGB, NGC 6752, the Great Peacock Globular Cluster in Pavo.
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Continue readingAnother batch of images from the Etosha National Park, Namibia. See also the previous posting for day 1 and day 2, as well as the expanded series in the gallery.
Ein weiterer Schwung von Bildern aus dem Etosha National Park, Namibia. Siehe auch das vorherige Posting zu Tag 1 und Tag 2, sowie die erweiterte Serie in der Galerie.
Gallery > Photography > Namibia > Namibia 2023 – Etosha
Continue readingEin Tagesausflug zum Hohen Venn in Ostbelgien, in der Nähe von Baraque Michel und Mont Rigi. Eine gute Gelegenheit, neues Sony-Equipment zu testen. ;-)
Alle Bilder unter Gallery > Photography > Travel > Hohes Venn
Continue readingA 2 panel mosaic of SHO data in Sagittarius, the reflection nebulae NGC 6589/90 and Surroundings, in particular the emission nebulae IC 1283 und IC 1284. NGC 6590 also seems to be cataloged as NGC 6595.
More details at Astrobin.
Continue readingOldie, but goldie. The Blue Lagoon, not in Iceland, but in the constellation of Sagittarius, Messier 8 (M8), the Lagoon Nebula. Remote acquistion at the IAS Observatory, Hakos, Namibia.
More details at Astrobin.
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